
As a relatively new face on Czech scene, Marie Pravda quickly became one of its most acclaimed talents. Her involvement with the night life began behind the bar of Metro club in Olomouc, but as she grew weary of the bar's routine, she relocated to the DJ booth in 2016, then discovering her passion for seeking new music. After moving to Prague she became a resident of Radio Punctum and later a member of Planeta Za resident collective. Recently she became involved in the management of Prague’s Harmless Youth music label.

Her original interest in indie music transformed into love for everything instrumental and psychedelic within EBM and slow electro, soon becoming an avid digger who follows threads of music others rarely stumble upon. With an understanding of DJing as a method of storytelling, or as a chance to guide the audience from point X to point Y, she attains a certain level of melancholia while simultaneously retaining empowerment and freedom of interpretation.