Shapeshifting MSJY continually changes form. After dark, a two-piece yellow tracksuit looms over the decks, unleashing a frenzy of electric beats. When the sun is up, her gentler touch is at play: fusing unthinkable combinations of genres into alluring, deliberate provocations.

She emerged from the OOST club in the north of Netherlands and took early residencies at Noorderling, Griessmuehle and later in Amsterdam’s De School. Her midnight selections are bass-heavy and unafraid to provoke. Her sets are characterised by pace, energy and balancing of different moods.

That balance is achieved delicately; easing listeners across an expansive style. With craft she makes otherworldly into the club-ready. Foresight and cautious preparation enable her to glide between genres that would formerly seem nonsensical – opening up her sound to distant tones whilst maintaining respect for the dancefoor’s natural order.

When the bass and darkness subside, her lighter daytime persona comes into being. Beneath the beats a conceptual side is unearthed. Her latest creation is Unposed – a release series exploring the emotive nature of a club night's final hours. In her Red Light Radio slots called Jay-by-day this conceptual approach was further summoned; brought to life in strongly thematic, cross-genre explorations. Though Jay’s shapeshifting persona can be hard to pin down, her DJ sets are rarely off the mark: willing to unwind the norms and push the narrative. Each scene offers a fresh role for her to perform. A character which both owns and plays with the script.