Home-work & Body-music
A talk and screening by Charlotte Bendiks
- #talks
- #mutantradio
- #tbilisi
Charlotte Bendiks often refers to her music as body-music, which can be understood as music that comes from the body, both intellectually and physically. As music that develops through a process of being a body in the world, of accepting one`s body, loving it and feeling safe in it - and in the world. By letting your body move to and be moved by music, the body partakes in structures that reach beyond the dancefloor.
Bendiks talks about home-work when she talks about her work. For her, home-work, like body-music, points to the mental and physical labor that bodies perform when going through transformative moments. It is about being aware and delving into the complexities of the moment. It is about paying attention to all the components that make up a body in space, whether it being societal, cultural or biological ones.
The Norwegian artist will give a talk on her practice in Mutant Radio on July 12, 2024. The talk includes a screening of a silent film The Abyss: The Woman Always Pays.Entry is free of charge.
Prague #5Prague #5
daisy cutter
Kabal a Aras live
Marie Davidson live
Olga Zhaldak
whydie?- #clubnight
- #ankali
- #prague
Music Criticism under AttackMusic Criticism under Attack
A talk with John Doran and Miloš Hroch
- #talks
- #ankali
- #amsterdam
Tune Your PitchTune Your Pitch
Music journalism workshop with Miloš Hroch & Pavel Turek
- #workshop
- #ankali
- #prague
Revising the Notion of Contemporary Eastern EuropeRevising the Notion of Contemporary Eastern Europe
Panel talk organised by ICKPA and RSO.Berlin
- #talks
- #rso
- #berlin
State in a State by Tekla Aslanishvili & Evelina GambinoState in a State by Tekla Aslanishvili & Evelina Gambino
Documentary film screening and Q&A with authors hosted by Michal Murawski
- #screening
- #talks
- #rso
- #berlin
Infrastructures of (De)OccupationInfrastructures of (De)Occupation
Panel talk organised by ICKPA and RSO.Berlin
- #talks
- #rso
- #berlin
Self-care in Awareness Work Self-care in Awareness Work
Workshop with Killa Schütze
- #berlin
- #rso
- #workshop
Focus Shift: Navigating the Evolving Landscape of PhotographyFocus Shift: Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Photography
Workshop with Andrew White
- #berlin
- #rso
- #workshop
Amsterdam #2Amsterdam #2
daisy cutter
Neil Landstrumm
Noise Diva
Stranger- #amsterdam
- #garagenoord
- #clubnight
On Mental & Physical Well-being in NightlifeOn Mental & Physical Well-being in Nightlife
Workshop on mental & physical well-being of clubbers.
- #amsterdam
- #garagenoord
- #workshop
- #talks
Warsaw #5Warsaw #5
Elena Sizova
John Talabot
Kovvalsky & Phatrax- #warsaw
- #jasna1
- #clubnight
In Conversation with Mala JuntaIn Conversation with Mala Junta
In depth talk at Jasna 1 with DJ TOOL, Nayme Hassany and Yazzus
- #warsaw
- #Jasna 1
- #talks
Tbilisi #2Tbilisi #2
Nathalie Beridze live
Tyler Williams- #tbilisi
- #mutantradio
- #clubnight
Working in NightlifeWorking in Nightlife
A panel talk on mental and physical well-being
- #amsterdam
- #garagenoord
- #talks
Safer ClubbingSafer Clubbing
A training with IVY for the Amsterdam's club workforce
- #amsterdam
- #garagenoord
- #workshop
- #talks
Aware & Safe: Harm Reduction in Poland's NightlifeAware & Safe: Harm Reduction in Poland's Nightlife
A talk with Polish grass-roots collectives.
- #warsaw
- #jasna1
- #talks
Warsaw #4Warsaw #4
Aga Gołąb
Emma dj b2b Toma Kami
Julek Ploski live
phil in a maze
Richii- #warsaw
- #jasna1
- #clubnight
AI Music for Dummies with Julek PloskiAI Music for Dummies with Julek Ploski
Workshop on free AI music production tools
- #warsaw
- #workshop
- #Jasna 1
Together, SomehowTogether, Somehow
A talk with Luis Manuel Garcia-Mispireta and rRoxymore.
- #prague
- #ankali
- #talks
Prague #1Prague #1
The very first Gravity event will host a concert, clubnight, talks and a workshop in Prague's Ankali.
- #prague
- #ankali
- #clubnight